Picture of Me

Kevin Puetz

Iowa State University

Computer Engineering

Contact Information

(319) 235-9255
735 Excelsior Lane
Waterloo, IA 50701


I am a senior in computer engineering at Iowa State University. I frequently contribute to opensource software (most recently, the K Desktop Environment) and have experience programming for a wide variety of platforms, toolkits, and languages.


If you are interested in the portfolio of my work, it's probably best to start with my Résumé, then read further about any portions which interest you.


I like to read, bike, kayak, and rollerblade. I have a vanity webpage which you have already found. Sometimes I get artsy. Sometimes the results are even decent. I drive a Volkswagen Jetta which you can look at pictures of if you want to.

Oh, and I write code, so obviously I'm special :-)